Student Solution


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Presentation 2

Presentation 2

Q Name_____________________ Date____/____/____ ELM 104: Presentation #2 Planning Guide You are a tour guide for Deaf tourists. Plan a week’s (or several days) trip touring NYC. Include Deaf-friendly places, attractions, points of interest, deaf events and activities. Minimum of 10 sentences. Powerpoint slides should have NO words (street names, location names ok) What is the theme for the different sites?__________________________________________________________________________ What do you want the Deaf Tourists to walk away from this experience?__________________________________________________ Places to Vist # Place Directions Reason Tips/Inside Info 1 2 3

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Today we have three places to visit. They are MoMA, Deaf Theater, and EDGE New York. Place # 1 MoMA MoMA always has exciting exhibitions, including a unique photography collection and large modern sculptures outside. For visitors who are deaf or hard of hearing, MoMA offers a translater. MoMA's address is 11 West 53 Street, Manhattan. We are going to take a subway from Union Square. We are going to take the Q train (uptown) to 57 street station.